
बनारस और तुम

(Shot on 22 Feb 2021, Varanasi, India) I've always been an enthusiast of culture and heritage. My keenness to explore more led me to the city that will always have a special place in my heart. I went on a solo trip to Banaras in February last year. The place was unlike any I had ever seen. Since then, my love for this place has grown by leaps and bounds. I was lost in its age-old aura of spirituality and liveliness upon entering the city. It pushed me in and pulled the most out of me. Kashi is a spiritual black hole, a trap for a lifetime, and I am glad I fell for it.  My fond memories of my time in its Ghats inspired me to write this poem.  While writing this poem, I thought of someone whom I greatly adore but can't express upfront. I've attempted to portray the state of Ghat and its feelings for beloved Ganga, who is unknown of how deeply someone admires her.  तू बहती गंगा निर्मल-शीतल, मैं घाट कोई चुप सा निश्चल। तेरी चंचलता शोभा मेरी, तेरा प्रवाह ही मेरा बल। मैं स्थूल प...

The Hanuman Way: Mastering the art of dealing with people.

We need to distinguish between religion and culture, two interrelated yet distinct spheres. There is a problem in assuming that societies ran on the word of religious texts. Religious texts might have progressive aspects within comparatively regressive socio-cultural contexts. As time pass by, we interpret religious texts with a fresh perspective, relating and adding value more with the current socio-cultural backdrop. Mythology, regardless of being true or not, being highly subjective, is very impactful and can influence people’s lives and faith.  I think mythology is beautiful. It can teach us a lot about ourselves and others. We should embrace its symbolism and learn from it. This piece is an extract of my repeated humble attempts at learning and deriving lessons from Sundarkand. Let’s join Hanuman on his maiden voyage to Lanka, where he meets five different kinds of personalities: Type 1: Mainak जलनिधि रघुपति दूत   बिचारी। तैं मैनाक होहि श्रम हारी॥ On his way to Lan...